A Free Landmine Simulator

The PMN-2 Simulator I drafted the PMN-2 Simulator back in 2021 based on a similar design we used to train with on Ft Bragg. Recent events in Ukraine have shown that the PMN-2 anti-personel landmine, and many other nomenclatures of landmines, will be a threat for years to come. By distributing files for a free landmine simulator, I hope to aid those who train for future mine clearance operations. Feel free to print, sell, use, and prank your friends as you see fit!...

September 6, 2023 · 1 min · TOP

GoPro Settings

There are a few keys to successful NVG footage recording with a GoPro. GoPro Settings Resolution: 4K FPS: 60 Both Resolution & FPS could be set lower on older models to increase the captured light, but that is not such a big deal on the Hero 11 series. Lens: Linear This is important. Any other lens setting will result in smaller footage. Disable Hypersmooth Their algorithm doesn’t work with NVG footage and will end up moving the NVG circle all over the place....

June 17, 2023 · 2 min · TOP

Mil & Vet Discount

My primary motivator when inventing the NVGRA was to let soldiers, sailors, airmen, & marines capture those memories that occur under NVGs. If only I had NVG footage of hopping onto a blackhawk in the Pech that only had it’s front weels touching the mountain terrace. Or rolling blackout at 50 MPH down mountain roads. Or humping 100 lbs of kit at 15,000 feet all night. The list goes on! Military personel do some of their most extreme things under NVGs and they need better solutions to bring those moments back for teaching & sharing....

June 17, 2023 · 1 min · TOP

NVGRA Warranty

NVGRA Warranty The NVGRA comes with a 90 day warranty on all parts, garanteed to be free of functional defect. Physical damage by the operator is not covered. However, reach out to us. We support our users and will replace subcomponents at cost + shipping. How to Contact Reach out to us on social media and provide proof of purchase along with a description of the problem. We are eager to continuously improve the product and user experience....

April 26, 2023 · 2 min · TOP

Field Test Story

Freq1cy Freq1cy of Ballahack has been a major part of field testing the NVGRA since 2017. You can see plenty of examples of his footage throughout the years on his youtube, as well as in his professional editing for event promo’s displayed below.

March 20, 2023 · 1 min · TOP

We're Back!

Now Live on Amazon The TOP NVG Recording Adapter lives again as the NVGRA-14. As the name hints, there could be other recorders compatible with other NVGs in the near future. Have an NVG you would like to have a recording adapter for? Contact us and let us know!

March 19, 2023 · 1 min

NVGRA: Instructions

Compatibility Find compatibility on the product page! Unboxing Installation Remove eye cup adapters (A3256354) from your diopter lens. Neglecting to do so will damage your NVGRA’s lens upon attempted installation. Loosen the NVGRA’s clamp screw to enable sliding onto the diopter lens Gently slide NVGRA onto diopter lens, observing a gentle fitment of the beam splitter into the diopter lens. Tighten NVGRA’s clamp screw with “finger tight” force until NVGRA fits snuggly....

March 18, 2023 · 3 min · TOP


Total Overwatch Productions, a love story… Beginnings So there I was, 2016 and getting out of the Army after 8+ years as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician. Headed to college on the GI bill, I found myself with a lot more free time. Since 2012, I had been diving into drones & 3D printing, so pursuing an engineering degree was more of an excuse to enhance my hobbies than anything else....

February 28, 2023 · 3 min

Under construction: Camera Adapter files: todo Necessary Parts: link to watch pins:https://www.amazon.com/uxcell-Stainless-Single-Flanged-Spring/dp/B09NR37RZS

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